Can I make updates to multiple warranty requests at once?

Can I make updates to multiple warranty requests at once?

Kevin Fitzpatrick

CoConstruct's warranty page lets you quickly and easily update multiple requests.

You can:

  • Complete a set of open warranty requests
  • Accept multiple warranty requests that are awaiting review or marked "Not Warranty"
  • Mark warranty requests as "Not Warranty"
  • Reopen completed warranty requests
  • Delete a group of items that were entered in error (as long as you have not selected any requests that were entered by a client -- those items that the client has entered cannot be deleted).
  • Reassign multiple requests to another builder or partner
  • Change the due date on multiple requests at once

To perform these bulk updates, make sure you hold down the Ctrl, Cmd, or Shift keys on your keyboard, then click to select your multiple warranty requests.

PC: Ctrl or Shift

Mac: Cmd or Shift

When you make changes in the right side of the Warranty page, they will take effect for all of the highlighted requests.