How should I set up tasks for bilingual trade partners?

How should I set up tasks for bilingual trade partners?

Megan Sullivan

Job sites can be loud, messy, and... a cultural melting pot. That means there's a good chance you've had people on your team for whom English is not their primary language.

But, assuming they at least read their emails and text messages, they can still benefit from CoConstruct. You just need to meet them on their playing field.

Since you create the names of the Schedule, To-Do, and Warranty tasks, who says you have to do it in your own native tongue?

If the framer speaks Spanish, write his tasks in Spanish. If the plumber speaks French, use French for his assignments.

You can also write tasks in two languages so everyone on your team understands, such as "Clean the house / Limpiar la casa."

But, make sure you know what you're writing. If you mistranslate and assign someone a task of "Break the purple gourd," don't blame us!